Farm Ridge Foods Sweet Horseradish Kosher Dill Chips
Pickles seem like a simple subject, yet a quick trip into a grocery store reveals variations up pickles that keep expanding endlessly. Such is the case when I walked into the local Lidl a few weeks ago and uncovered Farm Ridge Foods Sweet Horseradish Kosher Dill Chips. Anytime a little heat is added to something pickled, the product is going to end up here at alphageek HQ for some sort of enjoyment.
As I was getting ready to write this review, I looked more closely at the container that the pickles were in. Take a look at the picture of the cartoon character that is on the label. I am not really sure what is going on here, but that is a pickle wearing a lab coat. Wait, I also notice a shirt and tie as well, so perhaps the pickle is wearing a suit and tie and no pants. You can judge for yourself. Perhaps this is what is meant by being in a pickle. Well, that is not quite right either. The pickle is in the suit. Let me move on.
Is this a mascot?
UnTyPickle inspired me to do a search online. I found out that Farm Ridge Foods is proud of their pickles. I highly recommend going over to their site if you have any questions about the company or want to find other pickles and other products they make. Hint: they make a lot of pickles.
Moving on the the pickles: these are what pickles need to be. The pickles has a great crunch upon the first bite. The flavor from the horseradish kicks in and combines with the traditional pickle flavor for a simple explosion of heat and dill. Lidl made a good call upon adding this product to the lineup.
There is the mascot, in context
Speaking of being in a pickle, whenever pickles are enjoyed here at the compound, we like to joke about an episode of Hoarders. The show is sort of therapy at the compound, given the alphageek’s experience with cleaning out more than one hoarded house. You really should try shoveling dog poo all day sometime. Well, maybe not because I can just tell you dog poo smells really badly and you don’t want to shovel that stuff.
One of the common tactics, as demonstrated on Hoarders, is changing the subject so the hoarder does not have to talk about the house. During one episode, a couple’s house is in such bad shape that the couple is living in a camper a local business loaned the couple while the crew is at the disaster of a house, cleaning up. The couple attempts to engage in conversation about the house, and the path forward to cleaning up. They get into an argument because life is easier when you argue rather than address hoarding, and the one person whines they are hungry and wants a pickle. To this, the other person says “we are going to be in a pickle”. I guess maybe you have to watch it.
How about we end with a nice picture of some of the great pickles I found? While I don’t want to be in a pickle, I want these pickles in me.