Thunder Grill, in Union Station

Thunder Grill (in Union Station) on UrbanspoonMay 31, 2011 Thunder Grill offers some interesting tex-mex influenced dishes, and is in a convenient location in Washington DC's Union Station.

We decided to try a new restaurant, rather than fight the traffic back to the Headquarters.  Thunder Grill offers an extensive menu that you can take a look at online, and see if this is your sort of restaurant.  This location can't be beat if you have just come back on a train, either.

We took a look at a rather extensive menu, and made up our minds.  Mrs. Alphageek settled on the grilled prime rib while I decided on a red chili chicken pot pie.  Our server generously reminded me that it was not a real pot pie, but the ingredients with mashed potatoes on top.  The mashed potatoes were crusty, instead of a traditional crust.  I thanked the server for his excellent explanation and told him that sounded very adventurous.

Our food arrived, and a good looking meal was set before us.  Mrs. Alphageek's meal is below.  She told me that her meat was cooked a perfect medium, and the food was delicious.  I took a little sample and can say that it was grilled meat done correctly, along with a personal favorite of a potato baked to just perfect.

Thunder Grill
Grilled Prime Rib (click to enlarge)

My red chili chicken pot pie was something of a surprise. I expected the potatoes on top to be more like a crust and less like mashed potatoes on top.  This surprise did not stop me for enjoying the visually pleasing dish that you see below.  I found it a great, adventurous dish that I was glad I tried.  Perhaps it will inspire me to try my hand at cooking something similar sometime.  I could even try a little more time under the broiler to see if I can get a crust going on the potatoes.

Thunder Grill
Red Chili Chicken Pot Pie (click to enlarge)
This was a great stop before we made our way home.  I found this to be a great middle of the road restaurant with some interesting dishes for those inclined to try something new.

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