Guest Writers
From time to time, we have tried to recruit writers on a guest basis to this site. Given the pay, none, and the chances for glory, very small, nobody has taken us up on this offer. Hard to believe, isn't it?
We are now pleased to announce that someone has sent us a review of Wegmans. Given that we have no guest writers in the past, there was some usual debate among the staff about what to do. Until such time as we have a vast writing staff, this is how guest writers are going to to appear on the site. If the writer is adding a new review, the writer will get some sort of credit in the lead in. If the writer is adding to a current review, there will be a small note to let you know that a different writer wrote that part of the review. If you see no note, just assume the alphageek wrote the words you are reading. Check out the Wegmans review for the update.
We would like to thank the Wahoo Friend of the Alphageek for the review material.
As always, we thank you for your support.
We are now pleased to announce that someone has sent us a review of Wegmans. Given that we have no guest writers in the past, there was some usual debate among the staff about what to do. Until such time as we have a vast writing staff, this is how guest writers are going to to appear on the site. If the writer is adding a new review, the writer will get some sort of credit in the lead in. If the writer is adding to a current review, there will be a small note to let you know that a different writer wrote that part of the review. If you see no note, just assume the alphageek wrote the words you are reading. Check out the Wegmans review for the update.
We would like to thank the Wahoo Friend of the Alphageek for the review material.
As always, we thank you for your support.