Milan Indian Cuisine, Lynchburg VA

Milan Indian Cuisine on UrbanspoonFirst, there will be no pictures today. The inside of the restaurant was just too dark to whip out the camera, and start snapping away. Visually, I wish we had a camera, so that I could capture what I saw for you. Red. Everything was red. Because I am the alphageek here, I will tell what I wrote down. Red table cloths. Red booths. Partially red walls. Red napkins. Red floor. While you might think all I remember is red, I do remember one other thing: incredibly exotic smelling Indian spices in the restaurant. Forget the red, and concentrate on the great smells, and you will be rewarded with a great meal.

When we were seated, some mint chutney and crackers were brought to the table, somewhat like chips and salsa at a Mexican restaurant.  We tried the chutney, and hoped that the rest of the meal was as good, because the chutney was simply amazing, with just a little mint to bring out the flavor, but no so much that you thought of mint jelly.

We then ordered some tomato soup.  We were really hoping for something different, but we got more or less good old tomato soup.  While it was fine tomato soup, it really was nothing exotic.  By the way, yes, the soup was red.

We then dove into our main dishes.  We ordered the Milona Special Combination which included naan, lamb in sauce, tandoori chicken, roasted lamb, vegetables, and vegetable curry.  The other dish was the Veggie Special Platter, which included spinach, chick peas, samosa and sweet chutney sauce and yogurt sauce.  Ordering a meat combination with a veggie combination allowed us to get our vegetables in for the day.   The lamb was perfectly cooked, as was everything else. The food we were served was all excellently prepared, and gave us a great start to our vacation.

Desert was a rice pudding with ground pistachios, with a little nutmeg sprinkled on top.  While I am not usually a fan of rice pudding, the addition of the pistachios and nutmeg gave the rice pudding a little upgrade, that made it a great treat at the end of the meal.

When using the google maps, we did notice the maps tried to send us to the wrong side of the street, so you are looking for a strip mall across the street from McDonald's.  You can use the map below, or click on this link to find your way there.

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