Templeton Rye
I am sitting outside by a great fire, watching the smallest television I own. While I would like to watch the real television, I have to enjoy the great outdoors while I can. Between rain and temperature and other projects, time by a great fire can be hard to come by. I decided to tackle one project and sip a little something, take a picture and write up my thoughts.
Today, I grabbed a bottle that is already open so that I can use this bottle to make another Manhattan later. I selected this bottle because it has an age statement of 4 years, it is 90 proof and it was on sale. A gentle reminder that I am not always a rye sipper, so this might be a little strong for me, but here I go!
Templeton Rye - these gentlemen appear to be having a good time!
Nose: Hints of caramel and grain, slightly like straw. Also hints of fruit, making me want this in a Manhattan.
Pop: Smooth, then a hint of gentle burn
Taste: Hints of coconut come out of the fruity nose. Interestingly, there is a hint of herbs which remind me of a fine spaghetti. Hey, this is my site and I write what I taste.
Finish: Smooth, and even smoother considering this is a rye. A nice gentle warmth without any burn.
Perhaps the taste buds are maturing, but Templeton Rye was a surprise. Templeton Rye is gentle enough to enjoy as a gentle sipper. I tried it again with a little ice and love the mellowness the ice adds. The herbal element is emphasized more by the gentle cooling of the ice. I can cheat and tell you Templeton Rye makes a great Manhattan, so give Templeton Rye a try.